Holiday Home Welcome Folder Template

The welcome process is one of the most important elements in creating a strong foundation for the guest experience. If you're a property owner who has decided to start a short-term rental business, you'll know that receiving guests in a proper way is crucial if you want to ensure them a perfect stay from the moment they arrive.

A welcome book for vacation rentals is one of the most useful and valuable things you can provide to your guests in order to make their trip memorable. That's why we've created a free vacation rental welcome book template you can download here:

Don't see the form to download the Welcome Book Checklist? Click here.

When guests get to your vacation rental, it's important you make them feel like they're entering a serene and welcoming home, where they can easily find everything they need – including information.

That means doing a bit of mind-reading – anticipating any potential problems or issues before they even have a chance to arise, and leaving comprehensive instructions for the best way to deal with them, just in case!

All the practical information included in your welcome book will be key in avoiding late-night (or early morning) panicked phone calls from your guests. There are only positives when it comes to making a great vacation rental welcome book. If you're unsure of where to start, we've outlined all the sections to include as well as some useful tips for crafting the perfect short-term rental welcome book.

What is a vacation rental guidebook?

Guests are usually flooded with an overload of information about their reservations. From the vacation rental house rules to the check-in instructions, it's easy to feel dizzy with information before the trip even begins. The idea of a vacation rental welcome book is to reduce stress, set the tone for a relaxing holiday, and, of course, make your guests feel welcome.

This is the space to casually greet your new guests while also providing them with all the necessary information about their stay. The welcome book is about the guest experience at large, so you should familiarize them with the surrounding area and important town know-hows as well. Consider it an educational yet warm hello.

Why do you need a welcome book for your vacation rental?

Providing the right services to your guests from the first moment they enter your vacation rental can really make a difference and could even improve your repeat guest rate.

Certainly, there are other significant factors that you need to consider when renting your property in order to convince guests to choose you over your competition. Things like the cleanliness of the property, your rates, extra services, and all the amenities you can provide in your vacation rental home are very important.

But have you ever heard that "the devil is in the details"?

If you want to make sure your guests have a unique experience, you need to focus on the details. And you can start with the perfect welcome book. Here are the ways in which a guest welcome book can benefit your business.

Show how much you care about your guests

Remember that they're trading in their hard-earned money and precious time for not just a vacation house but an experience. They're giving you something valuable with the expectation that their vacation will be good in return.

Having a welcome book for your guests makes the process feel a little more personalized. Chances are, you won't be there to physically greet your guests, so you'll want to make sure that your guest welcome book does a good job of substituting that.

Having a friendly, informative welcome book for your guests is going to be the best substitute you'll find for a handshake at the door. Let guests know you care through your welcome book.

Help guests navigate through your property

It might be your second home, but your guests have never stepped foot on the property. The closest thing they have to know about your vacation rental might be a couple of photos you had on your website.

Guest welcome book

You don't want your guests to feel lost upon arrival. After all, what kind of welcome is that? Tell them all the services and benefits you provide, along with how-to instructions for different simple things like connecting to WiFi, starting the dishwasher, and using all the available amenities. This will get them well acquainted with the lay of the land and how everything in your property works.

Provide local recommendations

Show them that you're a pro by not only providing in-home recs but also what to do around the area. Guests will be impressed with your knowledge of the surroundings and also grateful for the local's insights.

The guest experience isn't crafted in the home alone. What guests do and how they interact with the location is going to shape how they feel, about your vacation rental. Make sure they have a good time throughout their whole trip by providing them with some fun options during their stay.

Get 5-star reviews

Ultimately, you want their trip to be a good one and for it to be reflected in their review. A shining review is indicative of a great guest experience which then allows you to draw in new customers and rebook the old ones too.

The more you include in your welcome booklet, the more you will be rewarded for your thoughtfulness in their online reviews, which also helps to give credibility to your vacation rental business and website.

The ultimate vacation rental welcome book template

What's the main problem you might come across when you create a new welcome book for your short-term rental? – That it takes a lot of time and even more effort!

Writing and producing an entirely new welcome book from scratch might seem like something that could take up way too much of your time. These welcome books need to be rich with quality material in order for them to be useful to guests, but in doing so, you're using a lot of your valuable time.

You could probably spend hours (or even days) trying to figure out the right structure of the text, which tone of voice you should use and which useful information you should include. A new welcome book can be overwhelming!

Luckily for you, you can skip this tedious step with a little help from us. Read on to get access to our free vacation rental welcome book template and checklist of everything you need to do, including to welcome your guests.

What to include in your vacation rental welcome book

When you're deciding what to include in your vacation rental welcome book, there's one thing you have to always bear in mind: every section should be helpful for first-time guests in your area and home.

That's why we think it would be best to split the vacation rental welcome book into handy sections for easy navigation. Here are our top suggestions, ideas, and tips on what to include!

1. Welcome information

Above all, you should use the first section of your welcome book to do just that – welcome your guests to your vacation rental.

You've heard time and time again that the first impression is the last impression. So don't miss this opportunity and let your guests start their experience in your property in the best way possible.

This personal "hello" will not only be a friendly way of introducing yourself to your guests, but it will also show them you really care about the experience they have in your home. This is particularly useful and will help make a great impression if you have an automated check-in system and are not usually there to greet guests upon arrival in person.

In the same section, you can also include a brief summary of:

  • Cleaning protocols & Guidelines
  • Parking information
  • Access code needed (if applicable)
  • Guest Wi-Fi password
  • Your contact details

Even if your guests might not read your short-term rental welcome book, it's important they have access to it. Otherwise, they'll definitely ask you for assistance.

2. Table of contents

In a dream world, your guests will read your welcome book in full. In reality, that's not going to happen. Guests are eager to go on vacation! They'll probably skim through the book or immediately look for the information they need, such as the wifi password or pool entry code.

A table of contents helps organize your welcome book, making it easier for you to point guests in the right direction while also giving them a clear guide to finding the information they're looking for.

3. Arrival & departure information

If you're planning to send an electronic copy of your welcome book via email before guests are due to arrive, it's a good idea to include arrival and departure details within the first few pages.

This includes your rental's full address, directions to your home from the nearest airport and train/bus stations, check-in and check-out rules (and mention whether these are flexible or strict) etc.

4. Helpful emergency contacts

In addition to your contact information, you'll also want to include contact details and addresses for the following emergency resources, just in case:

  • Nearest Medical Clinic or Hospital
  • Fire Department
  • Police Department

Remember, guests don't have all the resources that they would normally have at home. If they know you have their safety in mind, they'll feel more at ease.

5. Rental property policies

All vacation rentals are different, so even if your guest has stayed at plenty in the past, that's not to say they'll know your vacation rental house rules unless you set them out clearly.

What's more, including your rental policies in your welcome book will help you avoid issues with guests that argue that they weren't aware of the rules. Use this section to lay out any policies and procedures, along with clear instructions for guests regarding what is expected of them during their stay. For example, if trash is collected on Tuesdays, you'll want to communicate this to your guests, so they don't miss the opportunity to throw out the garbage.

This section will remind guests how to leave your property in good condition. Another bonus of using your policies: you are much less likely to encounter missing or misused items!

6. Amenities list

Maybe your guests booked in a rush, or perhaps they made the reservation very far in advance. In any case, they might have forgotten what amenities your property offers. It's good to make mention of them again so guests can be re-dazzled with all that your property has to offer.

Welcome book for guests

This also gives them indirect permission to use the amenities at your property. Perhaps there's a washer and dryer in the apartment building or a fireplace. Guests might be unsure if they're allowed access to everything at the property, especially if it's something they don't have at their permanent residence. A complete list of your amenities reassures guests that they're allowed to use them at their leisure.

7. How-to instructions

If your guests can't figure out things like how to turn on the thermostat, they can end up projecting that anger on your property reviews. It's important to include helpful information on how to use some of your services and appliances.

You can write up the instructions for:

  • Property Access (lockbox code, garage code, gate)
  • Router/Internet restrictions
  • Thermostat
  • Hot tub or Fireplace
  • Barbecue
  • Swimming pool
  • Washer and Dryer
  • Kitchen Appliances
  • TV/DVD Player remote control
  • Netflix/HBO/Hulu

This is also the perfect place to include rules regarding things like smoking, breakages, waste, and water information. You can even mention any quirks of your rental. Does your WiFi work well around the house but not on the patio? Include it in this section, so they know what to expect.

8. Activities guide

Although some guests may arrive with a closed itinerary, others may be looking for local recommendations from locals – you! That's why you should dedicate a full section of your welcome book to the activities and attractions your area has to offer.

Show off your expertise and include a "best of" list of your personal favorite things to do near your rental. Additionally (depending on your rental location), you may want to create a section for each of the most popular leisure pursuits, such as walks/hikes, cycle routes, beaches, and watersports, plus shopping options like fresh produce and second-hand markets.

9. Bars and restaurants guide

Write a short introduction to the food and drink offerings in your location and make sure you provide as much detail as possible. Remember that the recommendation is a reflection of you, so you don't want a bad dining experience to be tied back to your property.

Maybe there is a particular dish that's popular in the region? Or a style of cooking that's unique to your area?

Follow this with a list of your own favorite restaurants, bars and lunch spots, along with recommended dishes to try at these eateries. Don't forget to include telephone numbers, website or TripAdvisor links and a map if you can! This will help guests find them easier and make reservations if needed.

10. Local ordinances/code compliance

Some areas have very specific local regulations and rules applicable to short-term rentals. For example, some areas prohibit outdoor trash, so guests have to throw their trash at local facilities. Certain regions often prohibit campfires or fireworks. Making your guests aware of these local rules is important in order to avoid problems with their stay. Plus, it'll help you avoid having your own hosting horror story!

11. Local transportation

Help guests explore your area by creating a section with tips on how to get around your area. Make sure to provide contact information, schedules and any other specifics that could be useful to visitors, such as:

  • Taxi & Shuttle Services
  • Bus Routes
  • Car Rentals
  • Airports and Train Stations
  • Local Area Maps

This information is particularly useful if your rental is off-the-grid, where cell service may not be readily accessible. It also helps to share any tips about getting around your area that only locals would know.

12. Personalized section for your target audience

The welcome book is a way for guests to feel recognized from the very start of their trip, so why not do so in a personalized way? Having an extra section that's geared towards the type of guest, you're hosting or the reason for their stay will bring the additional wow factor.

Let's say, for example, you're hosting honeymooners. You can have a special section for them, including things like honeymoon photographers, best romantic picnic spots, a couples massage parlor, or anything that would apply to their vacation specifically.

The same could be done for a bachelor party, family reunion, or workcation. Customizing the welcome book and adding in a couple of hand-selected favorites is bound to be a hit for your guests.

13. Where to find you after their stay

The best type of guest is the one that comes back year after year. If you're trying to increase your count of returning guests, the welcome book is one of the best ways to do so. Make sure they know exactly where to reach you, especially if they made their reservation through a third-party site or OTA.

Welcome book template

Having emergency contact information is a must and given, but many hosts don't think to link the fun ways to contact them. Show them how to join your mailing list to get property updates and discounts. You can also provide your social media accounts or a link to your vacation rental blog.

To truly impress your guests, why not leave some other tips which will make every guest's arrival as smooth as possible. You could even use the final section to provide them with practical information about the area where your rental is located.

That means everything they can find nearby like:

  • Nearest grocery stores
  • 24h Convenience stores
  • Gas stations
  • ATMs
  • Pharmacies
  • Places of worship

Leaving this information within easy reach of your guests will make for a comfortable and stress-free stay. All of these tips will make traveling a breeze, especially for those arriving at unsociable hours!

How to present your vacation rental welcome book

You'll need to obviously give your guests a copy of their guest welcome book before they arrive, but how should it be delivered? While we sit at the impasse of print vs. digital, many hosts are left scratching their heads in deciding what is the best way to give their guests the vacation rental welcome book. There are benefits to both and the right answer ultimately depends on the host, the guest, and the property.

Printed copy

What's to love about a printed vacation rental welcome book is that it's so much more personal. It's that extra touch that some guests complain is missing in a stay. Remember that a lot of travelers opt for vacation rentals because they feel it's the more bespoke option as opposed to hotels. With that said, you might find that a physical copy of your vacation rental welcome guidebook is the best way for guests to feel like their stay is being thoughtfully hosted.

Welcome book template free

Consider your audience as well. The millennial travelers and Gen-Z guests might not notice the extra touch. Further, they might prefer a digital copy, so they don't have to carry around a whole welcome binder for the vacation rental. Gauging your audience will help determine if you want to bother with a printed copy or not.

Digital copy

So what about a digital vacation rental welcome book? Almost the entire reservation process can be digitized nowadays, so should your welcome book be virtual, too or should that be the exception? Hosts are always struggling to decide what needs a physical copy and what goes online. So when is the right time for a digital copy? There's plenty of reasons for going digital with your guidebook which is why we've outlined it all here: vacation rental digital welcome book.

How different is it from an Airbnb welcome book?

Long story short, it's not. You can use the same welcome book template we've mentioned above to create a welcome book for Airbnb or even a Vrbo welcome book. If you want something a little more specific, you can download our Airbnb welcome book template instead.

You can present this book in different formats (e.g., a binder, scrapbook, etc); just try to keep all of the different sections organized. Include section markers so they can easily find the parts of your Airbnb welcome book faster.

Download our free vacation rental welcome book PDF

So there you have it! We've outlined every section that could come in handy for your guest's welcome book. Whether you decide to present your vacation welcome book in print or digitally, your guests will surely be impressed with the added touch.

To make things easier for you, we've created a free downloadable checklist in PDF. So you don't forget to include everything you need in a vacation rental welcome book to help you to persuade guests to leave you a good review and come back again!


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